Almost 200 million roses are delivered to recipients each year for Valentine’s Day, and the most popular color is red. A vase of traditional red roses will always go over beautifully with your significant other, but did you know you can add even more meaning to the holiday by choosing different colors or even different flowers?
Sticking with Tradition: The Rose
There’s a reason hundreds of millions of people give roses to their significant others on Valentine’s Day. Their classic beauty, divine scent, and classy appeal make it easy to say, “I love you” with a bouquet or vase. Roses are one of the premier symbols of love, but you can infuse your gift with a little extra meaning by choosing a color outside red.
For example, you might choose to give your significant other a little bubble vase of yellow roses that can symbolize the serendipitous nature of when you first met. If you’ve only been with your significant other for a short time, a perfect color for your rose bouquet is purple or lavender, which can convey enchantment and love at first sight.
Celebrate an Engagement with Lilies
If you’re engaged and will celebrate your wedding sometime this year, you might want to think about giving lilies this year. As an ancient flower with a history that stretches back more than 3,000 years ago, lilies have gained a reputation for humility and devotion. They’re also the perfect flower to give if you’ve been married for three decades since they’re the official flower of your 30th wedding anniversary.
Surprise Her With Tulips
Tulips are another beautiful choice when you want to offer someone a bouquet with some meaning behind the color you choose. Much like roses, you can choose red tulips to symbolize love or a beautiful display of yellow and pink tulips to symbolize friendship.

Make a Statement with Orchids
The orchid has long symbolized elegance and grace, and it carries a lot of meaning when you offer it for Valentine’s Day. With color meanings much like roses, the architecture of the orchid is complex and requires a delicate touch.
If you choose to go with the traditional red roses this February, Nanz & Kraft will help you design a gorgeous, classic vase. Of course, if you choose to give a bouquet that’s a little “off the beaten path,” Nanz & Kraft has got you covered there too! There’s no doubt your efforts will be rewarded when you see the look on your beloved’s face.