Grandparents Day is a special holiday which was created with two goals in mind. The observance was officially established by Congress in 1978, but the original vision for the day came from Marian McQuade, a West Virginia mother of 15 and grandmother to many. Her dream was to set aside time for grandparents to impart wisdom, tell stories and share legacy with the younger members of the family; and for the younger generation to have the chance not only to learn from their elders, but to have an appreciation for the history of their family.
At Nanz & Kraft Florists, we love any opportunity to promote family and togetherness! If you are looking for Grandparents Day bouquets and gifts to celebrate this special occasion, our team has put together an online collection sure to provide you with some great ideas.
“Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day,
and now the day was complete.” ~Marcy DeMaree

There is no denying that grandparents love their grandkids! A recent lifestyle poll indicated that 9 out of 10 freely admit to talking about the little darlings on a daily basis – and they don’t care if the audience is their best friend or the store cashier. We can understand their enthusiasm, as the relationship between kids and their grandparents does seem to be quite magical. In fact, in the same poll, grandparents rated the experience of having grandchildren as the single most fulfilling aspect of their lives.
Gray Hair & Orthopedic Shoes? Throw away your stereotypes, today’s first-time grandparents are an average age of 48, and are just as likely to be running marathons or taking martial arts classes as they are to be rocking a baby to sleep – and they love to do it all. 
Kids who grow up with compassionate and involved grandparents are often more confident and self-assured adults. Experts say that the extra safety net of relationship that these children experience helps to combat any uncertainty about the world, allowing them to be braver and try new things. And in America, grandparents are more and more present, with 37% of households now reporting multi-generational living arrangements.
Whether Grandparents Day bouquets for Grandma or a gourmet gift basket for Pops, you’ll find everything you need to celebrate at Nanz & Kraft Florists. If your grandparents live here in Louisville, be sure to take them out for a special afternoon – and don’t forget the flowers!