Nanz and Kraft Florists

Nanz and Kraft Florists

Posted by apothos on September 12, 2014 | Last Updated: February 16, 2021 Uncategorized

Orchids! Care Tips, Facts, And Fun!

Delicate and graceful, the orchid is an artful part of the natural world.  Did you know that more than 25,000 species of orchids exist? Given during the 14th wedding anniversary, orchids are an amazingly diverse family of flowering plants.

The incredible variety of this gorgeous and complex flower makes it one of the best plants to offer as a gift to a loved one. Your orchid will feel as unique as your friendship, marriage, or relationship.

About Your Orchid

Although the world offers thousands of species of orchids, they’re still considered a rare and special flower, which turns them into a very special gift. Some avid orchid “hunters” travel the world to find new orchids and bring them home for personal collections.

The Victorian era saw orchids gain worldwide fame, and they used to be so expensive that giving one as a gift was a rather costly endeavor. Generations after they became so prized and valued, that orchids have remained coveted as gifts.

Romancing Your Orchids

Some orchid blooms last for months, so when you choose to give an orchid as a gift, it’s much more than a vase of flowers that will at best only last a few weeks. As a symbol of lifelong love and friendship, an orchid will be a constant reminder of your affection.

When you choose an orchid plant, you’ll want to think about the color, architecture, and the length of time the blooms may last. Because orchids come in absolutely every color conceivable, you can choose an orchid based on anything from seasons to celebrations to a recipient’s favorite color.

Watering Your Orchids

Did you receive an orchid as a gift? Are you looking to give a beautiful pink orchid to a friend, significant other, or family member? Your orchid may seem delicate, but they’re easy to care for if you know what orchids enjoy for light, watering, and placement in your home.

You won’t need to water your orchid every day. Your orchid will enjoy getting a little dry between watering, which means you might only need to water every five to seven days. You may also want to avoid chemically treated tap water and collect rainwater instead to water your orchid.

Tip: Try to avoid watering your orchid’s leaves. If they get damp, blot them gently with a tissue.

Today, orchids are found in every corner of the world, and choosing an orchid for a gift is a meaningful and special event.