National Puppy Day is a grassroots effort to encourage people to foster, rescue and adopt puppies (and older dogs) from shelters. Established 10 years ago by Coleen Paige, an advocate of animal rights, the movement has gained acceptance globally – thanks primarily to the power of social media. Puppies bring so much love and joy into our lives, and we think a day that a campaign to make their lives better is a great idea. Sadly, there is a long way to go to give every furry friend a home.
By the Numbers: Nearly 4 million dogs are surrendered to animal shelters across the country annually. Only one-third of those animals will be adopted into forever families, while 1.7 million dogs will be euthanized. With so many dogs languishing in shelters or losing their lives, National Puppy Day hopes to raise awareness and stop overpopulation and breeding-for-profit.

While many people are worried that shelter animals may have behavior problems, the exact opposite is actually true. Over 90% of the dogs are in the shelters through no fault of their own – their owners either could no longer care for them or decided to not have a pet. Ask anyone who has a rescue dog as a pet, and they will tell you about the affection, gratitude, and joy that these dogs shower on their new family. And although puppies are adopted at a much higher rate than the older dogs, advocates are passionate about educating the public about puppy mills.
If you have ever adopted a shelter dog, you know the dedication and tireless work that rescuers, foster families, volunteers, and veterinarians invest into making these dog’s lives better. If you’d like to thank them, Nanz & Kraft Florist has the floral designs, green plants, and gifts that are perfect for any occasion. We even have poignant garden stones in honor of our canine friends and family members. Every day in Louisville, unsung heroes make the world a little happier for so many – no matter the occasion, look to our floral experts to thank them for what they do.