Nanz and Kraft Florists

Nanz and Kraft Florists

Posted by David Kraft on September 29, 2016 | Last Updated: June 22, 2021 Uncategorized

Gifts to Bring on Game Day

game dayIt’s officially fall – and fall means sports! We are counting down to the World Series, football season is underway, and all of our favorite college teams are back in play. For all the game day get-togethers and Sunday afternoon parties, we suggest some sports-themed gifts to thank your host for all the festivities. Nanz and Kraft Florist has some truly unique and fun ideas to celebrate all things sports!

game day

This ceramic football is the perfect accent for his office or man-cave. Healthy green plants and an homage to his favorite sport will last all season long.

Brighten up the buffet table with this University of Louisville bouquet that shows your team colors in no uncertain terms – go Cards!

game day

If the UK Wildcats are on the big screen at the party, bring along this UK thermos overflowing with treats to share – or keep all to yourself, we won’t tell. Keep the thermos mug (with sturdy lid) to keep hydrated all season while watching your Cats! game day

If you are headed to a friend or family member’s house for game day, don’t show up empty-handed! Featuring Lindt, Woodford Reserve bourbon balls, and other nuts, crackers, chocolates, and treats, this basket is sure to be the life of the party. game day

If there is one thing we can all agree on, it’s that this time of the year is the best for sports! So get your foam fingers ready and grab the sports gifts – it’s going to be a great season. Check out all the options on the Nanz & Kraft Florist website, and pick your favorite!

  • Please note some options are only available in the local Louisville area.