Memorial Day is reserved for honoring those troops who died in service to their country. It’s a solemn occasion, and yet we also use it as a time to gather with friends and family, remembering the soldiers we knew and loved and enjoying the people in our lives now. Most of us whose lives have been touched by someone in the military make some kind of tribute, whether that’s a dinner, a visit to a grave site or attending a parade or commemorative event. In these cases, flowers that speak to the spirit of the day are in order, and we at Nanz & Kraft Florists are happy to provide them.
Flowers can be incredibly poignant, and on Memorial Day, that’s no exception. OurĀ Star Spangled Honor is a great example of how they can be used to inject a spirit of patriotism and honor into an event, especially one held in the home. We love this low dish of red and blue flowers and greens, and then the trumpeting calla lily and curly willow at the top.

This would be a fine piece to display in the center of a table at either a formal or informal gathering. It leaves no doubt as to what’s at the center of the occasion—our heroes.