Nanz and Kraft Florists

Nanz and Kraft Florists

Family Owned & Operated Since 1850

Hang A Harvest Wreath In Warm Welcome

Want to make a great first impression this upcoming holiday season? Start with a wreath. Our favorite circle of greenery ever is one of the classic emblems of the season, and also one of the first pieces of decor you can put up in advance of the holidays without feeling like you're rushing them. A wreath says, "come on in" in a way that nothing else can. Read More about Hang A Harvest Wreath In Warm Welcome »
Posted by David Kraft on November 19, 2018 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized

We’re Thankful For: Annie Gardner

Today we're shining the spotlight on our very own Front Counter team member Annie Gardner, an invaluable presence here at Nanz & Kraft Florists. We couldn't do it without Annie, who is one of the first people you encounter when you walk in the door. She radiates courtesy and care, and creates a friendly, approachable vibe for everyone around her. And did we mention her sense of humor? Read More about We’re Thankful For: Annie Gardner »
Posted by David Kraft on November 12, 2018 Uncategorized

How To Style Friendsgiving

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: bottom; } If you're one of the lucky people to have been invited to a Friendsgiving celebration, get ready to have a good time. This approach to Thanksgiving has been gaining traction in recent years, and with it comes a whole new set of traditions to blend in with the old. You may be entreated to bring a dish that reflects your culture or ethnic background. You may be asked to provide a side item that puts a new twist on a classic holiday dish. Friendsgiving may seem more like a casual cocktail party or mixer, with neighbors, friends, co-workers, teachers and more mingling and getting to know each other, even as they're gathered in the same spirit as at traditional Thanksgiving. Read More about How To Style Friendsgiving »
Posted by David Kraft on November 5, 2018 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized

A Naturally Gorgeous Tablescape

If you're ready to build yourself a true Fall tablescape, you've come to the right place. Nanz & Kraft Florists is offering our top tips on how to create a dining table that presents a feast for the eyes as much as it does for the mouth. Tablescapes take their cue from the centerpiece you choose. Whatever feeling or mood that centerpiece expresses, the tablescape elaborates upon it, offering a cohesive experience for everyone gathered around it. Read More about A Naturally Gorgeous Tablescape »
Posted by David Kraft on October 28, 2018 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Uncategorized

The Rustic Textures Of Fall

.single #maincontent .img-featured { object-position: top; } Want a Fall floral design that's the equivalent of your spiced pumpkin candle? Nanz & Kraft Florists has one. Actually, more than one. What do they all have in common? A real bid to the senses. An emphasis not just on rich, harvest colors, but on rich, harvest textures. You know the kind we mean. The crackling sound and warmth from a fire. The rustle of falling leaves. The crust on a pumpkin pie. This is the season for layering texture, and we've got it in floral form. Read More about The Rustic Textures Of Fall »
Posted by David Kraft on October 22, 2018 | Last Updated: October 7, 2020 Uncategorized

Two Sweet Treats For Halloween

We're scaring up some fun Halloween gifts this year at Nanz & Kraft Florists. Can you blame us? This is one of the most mischievous nights of the year, and it calls for lots of decorating and celebrating. We're revealing our best fright-night gift picks, and whether you have a sweet tooth or a green thumb, both will get you in the spirit of the spirits. Read More about Two Sweet Treats For Halloween »
Posted by David Kraft on October 14, 2018 Uncategorized

A Distinctive Gift For Your Boss

In 1958, an enterprising young employee wanted to create a special day for her boss, who also happened to be her dad. Just a few short years later, National Bosses Day was officially adopted, and thereafter, our mentors, leaders and guides were treated to some much-deserved appreciation on October 16. Nanz & Kraft Florists has a bevy of appropriate gifts to offer in tribute, all of them hitting just the right note. But our favorite item is green, interesting and the perfect scale to keep on an office desk. Read More about A Distinctive Gift For Your Boss »
Posted by David Kraft on October 7, 2018 Uncategorized

A Tribute To Hispanic Heritage Month In A Vase

Nanz & Kraft Florists is celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month--which runs September 15 to October 15--by honoring the flowers of Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and the Americas. Our floral landscape would not be the same without the contributions these countries have made to floriculture. The native flowers and plants reflect a richly diverse range of floral types, and today we're highlighting a design that brings many of them together in one vase. Read More about A Tribute To Hispanic Heritage Month In A Vase »
Posted by David Kraft on September 30, 2018 Uncategorized

Entertain This Gorgeous Floral Design

Let's talk fall tables. Specifically, the kind you entertain from. To put a finer point on it, your dining room table. Now, while it's not quite fall yet, we can feel it in the air here at Nanz and Kraft Florists, which is why we've already debuted our collection of harvest-hued (and textured!) floral designs. But at this stage in the game, you'll want to define any entertaining you do with a piece that isn't super fall heavy. You're looking for a transitional arrangement that will take you from summer into fall. Read More about Entertain This Gorgeous Floral Design »
Posted by David Kraft on September 18, 2018 Uncategorized