Here at Nanz & Kraft Florists, we care a lot about the flowers you bring home from us. We love to educate our customers in how to extend the life of the florals and plants they choose for themselves or someone else. We know that happy plants and flowers are fresh plants and flowers, so whatever we can do to extend the life of them is our pleasure to pass on to you. Read on for four of our top tips.
One: All flower stems are like straws that drink up the water to provide nutrients to the plant. Stems begin to seal off within seconds of being cut, so all flowers—including roses—should be re-cut immediately prior to being put into a vase of water.

Two: In order to ensure that your arrangement lasts at least a week or more, remember to change the water in the vase as often as possible to avoid bacterial growth, which causes wilting. Re-cut the flower stems and drop them right back into the vase filled with fresh, room temperature water in order to keep your design looking beautiful for as long as possible.
Three: Remove all leaves that will fall below the water line. Leaves in the water promote bacterial growth that may limit the flower’s water intake.
Four: When using woody stems and branches (such as quince, forsythia and lilac), cut the stem with sharp pruning shears. Place them in warm water containing fresh flower food to promote flower opening.