Nanz and Kraft Florists

Nanz and Kraft Florists

Posted by David Kraft on January 31, 2017 Uncategorized

Encouraging Acts of Kindness

acts of kindness

In a world of busy days, stressful schedules and pressing obligations, many people are looking for ways to infuse their lives with more happiness. The answer is actually quite simple. Studies have shown that people who practice kindness on a regular basis report increased feelings of happiness and positivity. And February 17th is the perfect opportunity to try it out – no matter busy you are, Random Acts of Kindness Day is designed to fit right into your daily routine! The team at Nanz & Kraft Florists is always on the lookout for ways to increase the level of beauty and joy in our customer’s lives, and we are excited to work with you as you join the global movement of generosity!

“Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.” Roy T. Bennett


While there are thousands of ways to show simple kindness and be generous to people around you, here are some easy ideas that will be sure to encourage others – and elevate your own happiness level at the same time!

* Send a card to your child’s teacher, and make sure to convey your appreciation and support.
* Bring a bouquet of flowers on a walk, and hand out individual stems to random people on the street
* Compliment people though out the day, whether it be for their awesome shoes or their great smile.
* Bake cookies (or send a delicious gourmet dessert) to encourage the local police or fire department.
* Leave a beautiful floral design at a neighbor’s door, with a note that simply says ” I love being your neighbor!”
* Leave a gift card for your maintenance workers or cleaning crew to enjoy a meal after work.

Whether or not your recipients know who made their day a little brighter, the knowledge that you encouraged someone else will stay with you for a long time. The team at Nanz & Kraft Florists wants to help you spread the joy this February 17th – count on us for expert advice, ideas, and of course, gorgeous fresh flowers! Louisville may never be the same – let’s cover our town in kindness, this February and all year long.